Health Benefits

Silalive and Its Benefits Silalive is considered to be the first Neobiogenic Silica Health Complex that contains two natural forms of silica known as diatomaceous earth and orthosilic acid. … [Read More...]
Diatomaceous Earth & Silica

Benefits Of SilaLive To Your Health
Benefits Of SilaLive Silica Supplement Our aim is to make vital information available so as to help you make the right decisions on your health. Silicon, just like oxygen is a compound … [Read More...]
Silica The Youth Mineral
What is silica?
Silica may just be one of the most overlooked minerals in terms of health benefits. Silica is most commonly found in nature as sand or quartz. In the human body, this chemical compound is what holds us together as it its a key element in the formation of collagen. Silica its found in every organ of the body from the blood circulatory system to the transmission of nerve signals. Specific benefits of silica include:
• Promoting stronger fingernails
• Producing healthy hair and clear skin
• Countering some effects of aging
• Daily healthy functioning of our body’s organs and connective tissues
• Counteracting dry skin
• Improved digestion
• Boost to metabolism
• Stimulation of cell formation
Silica and the Human Body
Silica is one of the most common elements on Earth. We are born with an abundance of silica and relatively low amounts of calcium. Then with every advancement in chronological age, the amount of calcium increases and the amount of silica decreases within the body. As we age, our bodies are not able to maintain enough of this mineral to be of much benefit beyond what is necessary to keep our body’s functioning.
Silica and Bone Strength
Calcium and Vitamin D get a lot of credit for maintaining bone strength, but they cannot do the job alone. Silica helps with calcium absorption. As with other minerals, there are foods that are natural sources of silica. Some of these include cucumbers, wheat, onions, oats, strawberries, avocados and brown rice. Herbs with silica include nettle and horsetail.
Silica and Our Skin
Silica is extremely beneficial in terms of promoting healthy skin. As we get older, natural collagen levels drop to the point where skin condition visibly deteriorates and shows signs of aging. Silica is found abundantly in collagen which we know is the most needed component to maintain youthful, healthy skin. Silica combats common signs of aging by improving the elasticity of skin, enhancing collagen formation and improve overall skin tone.
Silica and Our Health
Recent studies suggest silica may play a role in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Silica may be beneficial to certain female health needs as well, including reproductive issues. Additional health benefits of silica include better overall heart health. According to the American Heart Association, silica may reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in some individuals.
Realistically, it is not really practical to get all the silica we need from food alone. Many of the foods we eat are processed with the amount of silica greatly reduced during the refinement process. Supplements may be necessary to increase the amount of silica in our bodies to useful levels. The visible benefits are seen in our hair, skin and fingernails. Many other benefits are internal, but just as important.
- Lowers bad cholesterol
- Lowers blood pressure
- Improves nail, skin, hair, and joint health
- Fades age spots
- Stimulates metabolism
- Regulates and normalizes bowels
- Heavy metal chelation
- Anti-inflammatory
- Helps normalize circulation
- Helps prevent kidney stones and is a natural diuretic

Silica Supplement Health Benefits
Silica Supplementation
What Are Silica Supplements?
Silica Supplements contain silicon, an essential mineral that helps strengthen and develop the body. Silica supplements have only been around since the 1970’s, when researchers finally discovered that silica was responsible for bone and cartilage growth.
Likewise, researchers found that if silica was used for wound and burn dressings, the wound would heal faster and burns could be stabilized quickly.
Why Take Silica Supplements?
As mentioned before, silica has many benefits. Silica is responsible for developing connective tissues in the body, aids in collagen production, and helps develop bones and cartilage. However, there are some even more important benefits to silica, which are why most people take silica:
Silica Health Benefits
Alzheimer’s Prevention: Despite a large amount of research into Alzheimer’s, it is still widely unknown what exactly causes it. However, researchers have directly linked increased aluminum levels with Alzheimer’s. Silica helps remove aluminum, among other heavy metals from the brain and digestive tract. While this might not completely remove the risk for Alzheimer’s, many researchers believe that silica supplements can reduce the risk.
Arthritis Treatment: Arthritis occurs when the joints in the body become inflamed. The primary cause for this is a calcium buildup in the body.
Silica helps prevent calcium buildups in the joints and helps dissolve and remove excess calcium from the joints. This naturally reduces joint inflammation and generally significantly reduces joint pain.
Digestive Cleansing: The modern world is full of toxins in the air, in our food, and in our water. These toxins sit in our digestive tract slowing it down and preventing the body from absorbing nutrients. Silica helps absorb these toxins and effectively flushes them out of the body. This allows the body’s digestive tract to operate much more efficiently and allows nutrients to enter our bloodstream faster.
What Are Some Common Sources Of Silica Supplements?
The two most common sources for silica supplements come from horsetail and diatomaceous earth. Horsetail is a plant that contains a high concentration of silica. This can cause several problems if a user does not pay attention to their dose. However, it is still a good source of silica.
Diatomaceous earth is a powder that is actually the remains of algae that once thrived in the oceans. These algae died and formed massive deposits of what we know as diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth has a lower concentration of silica, so there are no side effects like the ones found in horsetail.
How Can I Buy A Silica Supplement?
Silica supplements are available online and in some stores. From experience, we recommend SilaLive, an all-natural diatomaceous earth that is our personal favorite. SilaLive contains pure food grade diatomaceous earth, which is arguably the best source for silica.
Compared to other silica supplements, SilaLive is much more affordable but will last much longer. Thousands of happy customers are using SilaLive to improve their health and revitalize their bodies. If you’d like to learn more about SilaLive and how it can help you head over to our official review of SilaLive or go directly to the Buy Page to order.

Silica Supplements for Cleansing
Silica Supplements Body Detoxing While it is widely known that silica is essential for bone and cartilage growth, few people know about its’ cleansing effects on the body. Humans are exposed to more molds, bacteria, viruses, and other toxins now than ever before in time. These toxins slow down our body and prevent our body […]

The Best Silica Supplement
SilaLive Silica Supplement That is what you get with Silica. It is a Neobiogenic Compound available in liquid form called, SilaLive. When taken regularly it helps to cleanse the body of harmful minerals such as Aluminum that build up in the liver from the things we eat and drink. Once you start taking Silica as […]

Benefits Of SilaLive To Your Health
Benefits Of SilaLive Silica Supplement Our aim is to make vital information available so as to help you make the right decisions on your health. Silicon, just like oxygen is a compound found in abundance on earth. Oxygen which is at 47% and silicon at 28%, both play a huge role in our health systems […]

No Life Without Silica
All Natural Silica Mineral Research of silica as an essential mineral has lead to the element being inked to many functions within the human body. These include: • Greater calcium absorption leading to stronger bones • Support of connective tissues such as the muscles, ligaments, and joints • Stronger teeth and healthier gums • Removal […]